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About Australia's e-cigarette ban

While it's been illegal for many years to import and sell nicotine disposables in Australia, this prohibition was spectacularly ineffective, with disposables being available at nearly every single tobacconist and petrol station across Australia.

After getting solid legal advice, it's clear that Australia's new rules don't apply to us, and as such, we continue to ship our products to Australia.

If the ABF want to waste their time attempting to stop you from staying off the darts instead of trying to catch heroin, cocaine, ice, and the dozens of other hard drugs pouring through the Australian border, then they are going to have to manually and visuallysearch for our packages amongst the approximately 2.8 million packages entering the country each and every day. Good luck to them.

Of course, there will always be a risk that your package will be stopped and confiscated - you may even receive a grumpy letter.

These reforms will not criminalise vapers in any way - i.e. there is no risk of being fined for anyone ‘caught’ importing or using vaping products – the worst that can happen is your order being destroyed.

So lets's recap:

We will continue to fulfil orders to Australian customers through various postal services. However, Australian customers must be aware of the increased risk of customs interception, so we have to force freight insurance, because if the product is intercepted, all losses will be borne by us, and we will refund or reissue the customer's order.

If we notice that a large number of shipments are being held by customs, we will stop this mode of transport and switch to a new, more reliable logistics solution. If your package is intercepted, you can get help through our customer service email. Our customer service email is [email protected].

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